Elite Interview with INTEK SP ZOO
- What does it feel to receive The BIZZ Award.?
It was a pleasure to be recognized by the international organization, to take a part in the event and to receive the award.
- What is your company activity?
Intek Ltd offers a wide range products which includes complex delivery of the technological transport equipment together with automated robotic production systems, design turn key, high technology machining installation and commissioning made for various industries such as offshore, machine building, automotive, woodworking, railway and others.
- What are the objectives of the company?
We are currently working mainly in Europe, our goal is to work internationally.
- What is the vision of your company?
Our vision is to achieve the above mentioned objectives. We have to work just as far, in parallel on multiple directions in our industry but in many economic areas.
- What do you think is the differential value of your company?
We work in a niche, we are flexible, we think long-term.
- What benefits do you think that your business reach as a WORLCOB associate?
We hope to gain partners. WORLCOB is treated as a platform for establishing business contacts.
- Who are your successful role models?
We are working unconventionally, so it’s difficult to find successful role models for us. But I think that every successful businessman can be in some measure a good role model.
- What has been the most difficult moment happened and how the company overcame?
The crisis in 2008 has accelerated intensification of extension the directions of our activity
- What major achievements has reached the company since its inception?
Our regularity, long-term goals allowed us to systematically develop what has been recognized by global business organizations.
- What message would you give WORLDCOB entrepreneurs network?
Remember about persistence, do not lose sight of the objective, a small stumbling do not matter, do never give up.