Blue Cross Insurance: “Our Political Violence insurance policy is the first of its kind in the Liberian market”
Blue Cross Insurance Inc. is an insurance company committed to provide value and quality services for the national and international markets in Liberia since 2001.
Liberia has a very small insurance industry in a country of more than 4 million people. For this reason, the market is highly competitive and fragmented. However, due to the economic growth of the country during 2008 to 2012, the company has benefitted as the growth in the insurance sector has been important.
Blue Cross Insurance has shown a competitive Edge in the market where it operates, promoting innovation by offering new services, investing in organizational resources, and reducing company costs.
With the passing of time as an organization, this company has achieved a number of goals that has allowed its sector to grow. For example: by offering insurance policies for political violence, which is the first of its kind, in the Liberian market.
In the future, the company plans to continue expanding the market, providing additional offers to the existing national and international demand.
Institutional Information
Company: Blue Cross Insurance, INC.
Country: Liberia
Company representative: Naji Eid
Position: CEO
Email: info@bluecross-insurance.net
Website: www.bluecross-insurance.net