Journey to excellence: Behind the scenes of THE BIZZ AWARDS 2024 in Singapore

Journey to excellence: Behind the scenes of THE BIZZ AWARDS 2024 in Singapore

Journey to excellence: Behind the scenes of THE BIZZ AWARDS 2024 in Singapore


In the vibrant metropolis of Singapore, preparations for THE BIZZ AWARDS 2024 come to life, marking the beginning of an unprecedented celebration. During a crucial visit, Nicolas Caffaro and Jesús Moran, emblematic figures of WORLDCOB, immersed themselves in the essence of this city-state, laying the groundwork for what promises to be a historic event. 


The collaboration with the Singapore Tourism Board, through significant meetings with Edward KOH and Mohamed Firhan Abdul Salam, reflects a shared commitment to business excellence. This strategic alliance, strengthened during visits to the Board’s offices, emphasizes the importance of global connections in the business realm. 


Beyond the meetings, the exploration of the city’s finest hotels and a tour designed for future BIZZ winners revealed the promise of an unforgettable experience. These tours, captured in photographs alongside the main directors, not only demonstrate Singapore’s hospitality but also the meticulous planning behind the event. 


With sights set on August 26 to 29, 2024, THE BIZZ AWARDS celebrates its 20th anniversary, promising not only to recognize business achievement but also to foster innovation and leadership on a global stage. Anticipation grows daily, inviting business leaders from around the world to be part of this celebration of excellence.


For more details on the event and how to participate, visit

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