Club El Nogal: The First Latin American Club with an International CSR Certification
Club El Nogal reaffirms its commitment to initiatives that promote the Company’s sustainable development. For this reason, from its strategic framework and as part of its management policy, it promotes the highest expressions of thought, science, arts, and sports, as well as offering comprehensive support to its shareholders.
Currently, it is the first club in Latin America with an international WorldCob-CSR certification. This recognition was granted in November 2016 in recognition of their ongoing work regarding Corporate Social Responsibility under three fundamental pillars:
Labor Relationships:
- Club El Nogal in an open and inclusive organization, aimed at improving the channels of communication and participation, by means of constructive spaces between leaders and,
- Conducts salary studies to ensure equity
- Through its Nogal Training School, human talent is empowered using technical programs, diplomas, and courses. This has allowed Club El Nogal to benefit from multiple promotions based on merit.
Environmental Responsibility:
- Within the framework of its environmental management policy, the Club implements strategies to properly manage waste, the rational use of water and energy resources. This includes flow restrictors, led lighting, and modernization of equipment, among others.
- In partnership with the District Secretariat of Environment (SDA) and the National Business Association of Colombia (ANDI) promotional programs are implemented like: ‘Batteries and the Environment’ (Pilas con el ambiente) and ‘Close the Cycle’ (Cierra el ciclo), to deliver waste products.
- Conducts awareness campaigns among partners, suppliers and employees, related to good practices in the use of natural resources, and advancing training techniques to responsibly manage chemical products, waste segregation, and simulations to correctly manage spills.
Community Relationships:
Supported by the National Police and the neighboring building administrators, the Club promotes citizen coexistence and teamwork, with a view to strengthening respect for public spaces to improve the quality of life in the sector.