COLEGIO ONLINE: “We can Highlight the Pride of Workers to Obtain this Certification Because they Feel it is Their Own”
The company Colegio Online Ltd of Chile has WORLDCOB-CSR certification in Corporate Social Responsibility for the first time in it’s history.
Jessica Fuentes Arévalo, the Director, tells us her impressions regarding this new business achievement, which identifies them as an organization with high standards in quality of service, sustainable business policies and responsibility with the community.
1. A brief description of your company
Colegio Online Ltda. Delivers online education services with online teachers to Latin American countries.
2. How has your company’s trajectory been in the market?
Provide quality education, using the technological tools and communications according to the development of current and future society, being a valid alternative to traditional face-to-face education, achieving an increase in families that know us and opt for our services, both in Chile and the world.
3. What are the competitive advantages of your company?
Have developed an innovative service that in turn has more than a decade of experience in the area, have low competition in the market niche and have low costs, thanks to the use of technology, not requiring physical infrastructure, and administrative management. In addition, a very important advantage is the attachment of workers and customers, feeling part of the Online College.
4. What aspects do you consider CSR improves in the business environment that practice it?
The aspect that we consider in which CSR improved our company, was the realization of certain shortcomings in records of activities that we could improve. Without this advice it would have been a long time before we realized this. Thanks to their orientation many companies could be gratified.
5. What values have you recognized in the process to obtain The WORLDCOB-CSR 2011.3 certificate?
The value we have recognized has been learning and self-analysis, it was very gratifying to realize that by doing this certification we could improve our educational service even more.
6. What are the benefits of being certified in CSR?
The benefits of being certified are prestige, the importance of being socially responsible for the community. We can highlight the pride of the workers when they obtain this certification because they feel it is their own, and the admiration of the community.
7. What would be your message for companies interested in obtaining a CSR certification?
Participate in this new stage of entrepreneurship, a certification always brings prestige to the company and pride among its workers and customers.