Corporación del Centro S.A.C Receives WORLDCOB-CSR Certification
Corporación del Centro S.A.C (CDC Gold), a mining company that has been developing the “El Toro” project in Peru, has recently obtained the International Certification WORLDCOB-CSR for its corporate social responsibility.
“From March 11 to 13, Mr. Walter Daniel Javier, Auditor of the World Confederation of Businesses, visited the different facilities of the mining operation and met with part of our team of collaborators, who absolved their concerns and gave him delivery of the evidence, regarding the management systems and processes of our CSR policy, “said Mr. Jaime Polar, General Manager of CDC Gold.
It should be noted that Corporación del Centro S.A.C has achieved this important certification, thanks to the approval of its integral management, according to the following chapters of the standard:
– Chapter A: Labor Relations (Training, health and safety at work).
– Chapter B: Social Relations (Clients, suppliers, family and community).
– Chapter C: Relationship with the Environment.
“Having obtained the International Certification: WORLDCOB-CSR: 2011.3, means an important step towards the search for continuous improvement of the operation. This certification reaffirms our commitment to the care of the environment, the integral development of our employees and the good relationship based on respect, trust and transparency with all our stakeholders, “concluded the mining company executive.