CSR Certification allowed us to improve our business relationships
Scintelsa has 15 years of experience in the field of telecommunications focused on the sale of products as well as services. To date, they are distributors of international brands such as WNI, Digistar among others. In addition, one of its main products, Emilink, is endorsed by the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFETEL), which allows them to issue a Non-Interference Certificate. Proper functioning microwave networks in the concessioned bands (7, 15, 23 and 38 GHz).
The goals of the company in the first quarter of the year will be to expand its range of products and services, so they will establish national and international alliances and thus get more customers. In the medium term, they expect to consolidate in the telecommunications sector and in the long term will be the first option of their clients.
In order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to have an additional tool. That is why the General Director, Victor Bello, has chosen to obtain a certification in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and tells us about his experience in this process.
- Which aspects do you consider that CSR improves in companies?
I began to take an interest in the subject since I participated in a talk organized by the World Confederation of Business in Mexico. Although we applied some of these concepts, they only focused on our workers and not on providing a contribution to society or caring for the environment.
- What value has you recognized in the process of obtaining the WORLDCOB-CSR certificate: 2011.3?
This certification has confirmed that we give a high value to our human capital because we are convinced that good treatment towards them improves the results.
- Which are the benefits of being certified in CSR?
The certification process for obtaining the WORLDCOB standard has been excellent because it has guided us in the establishment of responsible policies for the development of our own operations. It has also enabled us to work together to achieve a common goal within our own organization.
Likewise, there has been a significant increase in the number of commercial relations with customers, suppliers, since being a socially responsible company have opened us many doors. We have also noticed more union and interest on the part of our collaborators, since they observe that we worry in going beyond the fulfillment of the established norms.
- What would be your message for companies interested in obtaining a certification in social responsibility?
I would recommend that you participate in the certification process as it will allow you to give a better direction to your company and to know if it is in compliance with the principles of CSR, since complying with them brings different benefits such as good relationship with staff, customers, suppliers and the society as a whole.
COMPANY: Scintel
NAME: Victor Bello
POSITION: General Director
COUNTRY: Mexico – Mexico City
WEBSITE: http://www.scintelsa.com.mx/
E-MAIL: atencion.clientes@scintelsa.com.mx
TELEPHONE: 52 (55) 2487 7002