- What business sector is your company in?
Since 1984 Droguería ROSFAR has led the marketing and distribution of oncology, antiviral and special treatment drugs in Argentina.
- What is your company’s vision?
Droguería ROSFAR constantly seeks to renew their commitment to clients, professionals and health organizations, based on their focus on management excellence. The company aims to strengthen Leadership in Marketing, Traceability, Logistics and Distribution of Oncology, Antiviral and Special Treatment Drugs built upon on the basis of Prestige, Reliability, Competitiveness and Market Presence.
ROSFAR is committed to guaranteeing that drugs maintain their qualities to optimize the results of their application in the patient. These results are achieved through constant innovation and continued investment in technology to improve storage, protection and distribution of products.
ROSFAR is a company that is deeply committed to health and constantly growing, recognized and awarded for their work and track record at a national and international level.
Their pillars are ethics, technology and quality.
Their objective is continuous improvement, in their eagerness to offer their services to those that need them, more and more every day.
- Do you think your country is concerned with behaving responsibly? Why should this matter to businesses?
Argentina is not immune to the context that it is immersed in. Within that reality, you can see officials in the public sphere becoming more interested which means this theme occupies an increasingly important place on the political agenda. But even beyond what is happening in the national government, there are provinces and local governments with different nuances that care about behaving responsibly. Rosario, the city where our company is located, is one of the pioneers of this subject in the country.
- For those companies who practice CSR, how do you think it improves their working environment?
There are two obvious ones. The first is the link between the company and their workforce and the awareness it creates between the two. The second is the link between the company and the community and as a result, with their target audience.
- What do you think would change in society if more businesses achieved certification in WORLDCOB-CSR 2011.2?
The changes are the kinds that follow on from acting responsibly and being committed as business owners and citizens. Being a business owner, a leader of a group or business, comes with a huge commitment to the community. Every action, from the simplest to the most complex, has repercussions on its surroundings. If these actions take into account everyone’s surroundings, I have no doubt that improvements and changes will constantly happen, and it will result in a better quality of life for everyone, with better business owners, better products, and better citizens.
- What challenges will your company take on to get recertified in WORLDCOB-CSR 2011.2?
The challenges are closely linked to improving as a business, and for that we need a sustained commitment in order to be able to handle such a huge responsibility.
- What Corporate Social Responsibility projects does your company have?
We already have several programs in place that we’ve been successfully developing over the past several years. Having said that, we are always in discussions about our annual plan to see what we can improve and what can be added. To this end, we have picked three examples that bring together several different areas inside and outside the company.
United Nations: Since October 2012, Rosfar Pharmaceuticals has actively adhered to the United Nations Global Compact after applying and being accepted by this organization. The Global Compact comprises Ten Principles based on universal declarations and conventions applied in four areas: Human Rights, Environment, Labor Standards and Anticorruption. This achievement by Rosfar Pharmaceuticals is the result of the Corporate Social Responsibility plan that the company launched two years ago. By taking on this commitment, Rosfar Pharmaceuticals must send a report to the UN every year regarding the improvements/advancements they’ve made in applying the ten principles and about their participation in the United Nation’s development projects.
House of Water: For the third consecutive year, Rosfar has renewed their sponsorship agreement with the House of Water, helping to make sure that thousands of children who come from low-income schools can participate in their Water Educates Program.
Correct use of medication: ROSFAR made a strategic partnership with Rosario’s School of Pharmacy and the city’s College of Educational Psychologists through which they conduct activities in elementary schools, where members of both professional schools together with school staff endeavor to raise children’s awareness on the best way to keep and use the medicine they find in their own homes through games and information.
- In what ways do you think your company has supported the development of your own community?
It’s difficult to answer this question because we could overdo it in pointing out all of the good that we think we have done for our community. What we can confirm is the place of privilege our business occupies in the different sectors of our community.
- Do you think CSR is a passing trend or do you feel it has come to be part of any business that considers itself responsible?
It is absolutely not a passing trend. CSR grows stronger every year. It’s not only a concept but an attitude that goes beyond just companies and many important players in the community know what it means generally. They know what it means for a business to be Socially Responsible.
Hugo E. Cochrane