Scintelsa installed the first Janus radio-link in Mexico
In April 2017, SCINTELSA installed the first Janus radio-link in Mexico (point-to-point microwave link) in 23 GHz band, which has MIMO technology and for this case offers a capacity of more than 600 Mbps; however, this new technology has the capacity to provide up to 1 Gbps. This link was installed in the border of USA and Mexico (San Diego and Tijuana).
The Janus radio link has a technology capable of doubling the capacity of a traditional link in 2 MHz, which translates into a significant economic savings, using a single pair of frequencies, added to it has an innovative design. Which allows an easy installation, management and optimization of spaces in the structure to be installed.
This technology will innovate the market in Mexico, as there is an increasing demand for capacity by the different concessionaires and users.