WORLDCOB Presents its New Membership Classes for its Affiliate Members
The World Confederation of Businesses presents its new membership classes, which have been designed to categorize and extend the benefits of its affiliated members. They are “Platinum Membership”, “Gold Membership,” and “Silver Membership”.
Currently, WORLDCOB has various business development tools with benefits for its members, like: THE BIZZ Awards, WORLDCOB-CSR and, the newest—soon to be launched—product, “WORLDCOB TRUST SEAL”.
That is why the winning companies of THE BIZZ awards become Platinum Members. The companies with WORLDCOB-CSR Certification and winners of THE BIZZ by the “shipping of award” option become Gold Members, and the companies that acquire the WORLDCOB Trust Seal will enjoy the benefits of becoming Silver Members.
On the other hand, the WORLDCOB Trust Seal (WTS) is a new product developed and backed by WORLDCOB. It was created with the objective to verify the legal status of a company, in order to check its commercial operations and generate confidence in its suppliers and customers.
WTS thus becomes a powerful tool for companies around the world that want to achieve greater credibility in the marketplace and promote good business practices within a globalized market.
More information on the WTS is available at this link, www.worldcobtrustseal.com
And for more information about WOLRDCOB and its memberships levels, please visit https://www.worldcob.org/Membership