WORLDCOB recertified Río Uruguay Seguros as a socially responsible company
For the sixth consecutive year, the international organization World Confederation of Businesses recertified Río Uruguay Seguros as a Socially Responsible Company for having comply with the requirements of WORLDCOB-CSR: 2011.3.
According to sources of the organization, such standard establishes the recognition of organizations that maintain a management system based on Corporate Social Responsibility, comply with ethical values and seek continuous improvement.
This certification validates the policy that RUS has as a company adhering to the 10 principles of the Global Compact since 2004. Based on this, it annually produces a Sustainability Report to account – with transparency – to its stakeholders and the community of their good practices. It also commits itself to the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) promoted by the United Nations (UN).
WORLDCOB was founded in Houston more than 10 years ago to promote a socially responsible business culture and foster the generation of new businesses among its associate members. It currently has representation in more than 102 countries in the world.
Source: http://argentina.corresponsables.com/actualidad/worldcob-recertifico-rus-como-empresa-socialmente-responsable