WORLDCOB Tour for Africa and the Middle East
As part of the service we offer to our Elite Members for the business development that is our mission in WORLDCOB, Alarbi Sefiane (Regional Director), toured Africa and the Middle East that included the countries: Sultanate of Oman, Qatar, Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal.
The objective of these visits was to strengthen the binds between WORLDCOB and our Elite Members while allowing us to know the innovations and scope of the companies affiliated to the World Business Confederation.
Some of the companies visited on this tour were: Victorie Inmobiliare and CABINET CONSEILS ASSOCIES IN AFRIQUE-SENEGAL “C2A SEN” of Senegal, SS INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING WLL, AL MUFTAH RENT A CAR, Doha Bank of Tasting of Qatar, International Marble, OMAN & UAE EXCHANGE CENTER & CO, BANK DHOFAR, AL MUHANDIS INTEGRATED SERVICES, among others.
The tour has been extended from mid-February of this year to April, covering around 20 member companies in 4 countries in Africa and the Middle East.
“Every company member of the WORLDCOB Family is a fundamental part of our mission to strengthen business development in the world, through the recognition of the achievement of their goals and contributions to the economy of their respective countries, as well as their vision of responsibility social enterprise and the commitment to be agents of change for its clients, suppliers and stakeholders “- Jesús Morán (Founder and President of WORLDCOB)
For its part, the board of directors of WORLDCOB, in support of our regional directors, we continue working on expanding visits to companies and organizations, we currently have members in the 5 continents, so undoubtedly we will continue planning tours to the length and breadth of the world, as well as private ceremonies upon request.