Abanto Trujillo: “Thanks to CSR, we have more loyal customers
The company Abanto Trujillo & Asociados Eirl of Peru has received the WORLDCOB-CSR certification, demonstrating its commitment to social responsibility.
For this reason, Jose Wilfredo Abanto Trujillo, General Manager of the organization, shared this testimonial on what this business achievement means for his company.
“For Abanto Trujillo & Asociados Eirl (INNOVA ABTRU), the process of obtaining a WORLDCOB-CSR:2011.3 certification has allowed us to better focus on the value of the responsibility that companies have before society and the community where we do business. This fosters a culture of ethical values, where our management system must be based on corporate social responsibility.
The values that we employers must recognize, regardless of the size of our organization, are keywords such as ethics, corporate social responsibility, competitiveness, social value, and responsible competitiveness, concepts, which in some cases are quite broad.
Considering the benefits that the CSR certification offers, it is important to note that it improves our productivity, we have more loyal customers, it improves our image and credibility and finally, our competitive advantages become more favorable to all parties involved.”