Colegio Online Ltd: Contributing To Removing Bad Practices Rooted In Traditional Education
From 2007, Colegio Online Ltd. offers to both the Chilean and the worldwide marketplace, a fully online education system, allowing their students to become part of a new and innovative educational platform.
For the first time, this company has been recognized by WORLDCOB with THE BIZZ award, in a ceremony that took place in the city of Miami Beach, on July 26 of the present year.
During an interview, Jessica Fuentes—director of the organization—shared with us the company’s history, as well as their future plans and what this recognition represents for the organization.
A brief description of your company
Colegio Online Ltd. provides online educational services with online teachers.
Category of the company
Online Education
What are your company’s goals?
To provide quality education, using technology and communication tools, based on the current and future of society’s development. This is a valid alternative to traditional education, increasing the awareness of families that know us and choose our services both in Chile and around the world.
What are the competitive advantages of your company?
Developing an innovative service that, at the same time, provides more than a decade of experience in this field. We also have low competition in this market niche and our services are cost-effective. Thanks to the use of newer technologies, we do not require a physical infrastructure nor management services. Also, a very important advantage is our close relationship with our employees and our clients, making them feel like a participating member of the Colegio Online family.
What goals have your company achieved since it was founded?
- 2009: Virtual Online School in “SUB35: Network of Online Innovators”.
- Participation in Scouting Digital SUB35. Winners in Education in Santiago, Chile.
- 2010: Made in Chile 2010: Case 38. Just a Click Away Online Education.
- We were recognized as one of the 50 successful cases in Innovation in Service Exports in the book ‘Made in Chile’ 2010.
- 2018: THE BIZZ Awards 2018 Miami – Category Entrepreneurial Company.
What projects have your company developed?
- Online one-on-one chat session for minors.
- Online Education for minors.
- Online Education for Adults.
- Complimentary reinforcement skills for minors under the traditional schooling system.
- Foster activities for comprehensive development in students: Sports, Arts, etc.
- Positive brand image support and sharing the achievements of outstanding students such as Athletes and Artists among others.
- Scholarships: From 30% to 100% tuition discounts for students from low socio-economic communities or for children that participate in extracurricular activities like sports, arts, etc.
What have been the most significant challenges for your company?
First, we started with a very low budget of around 1000 USD.
During the first few years, many people did not know about our services. We also faced a low confidence issue that existed in the Chilean society up until 2010, which was due in part to the low penetration and development of internet services.
Currently, we do our very best to manage the validation processes of our education services with the Ministry of Education making it as efficient as possible, despite some things being out of our control. This is due to the governmental policies that give priority to the traditional educational system, including the inefficient work done by the public sector in this field.
Another challenge is contributing to the removal of harmful practices rooted in the traditional education system. For example, cheating during tests and incentivizing the value of learning over studying for social obligation.
Name of the Company’s representative: Jessica Fuentes
Country: Chile
Website: http://www.colegionline.com
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