CTS: “An Enriched Business Culture with a Conscious Commitment by all its Collaborators”
The leading company in the tourism sector, Corporate Travel Services Worldwide SAPI DE CV (CTS) of Mexico, has received the WORLDCOB-CSR certification in Corporate Social Responsibility. This was the result of an auditing process confirming that the policies and processes of the companies are in harmony with the international standards in sustainability.
C.P. Araceli González Coronel, human talent director, gave us an interview where she expresses the importance that the WORLDCOB certification has for the objectives and vision of the company.
- Brief description of your company
The only Travel Management Company (TMC) of Mexican origin specialized in Business Travel management, with more than 20 years of experience and more than 600 collaborators.
We have branches and contact points in Mexico City, Monterrey, and Queretaro.
In addition, we establish logistics and the organization of corporate events and conferences
- What are the goals of your company?
To become the best Mexican company offering consulting services in business tourism nationwide and in Latin America.
- What are the competitive advantages of your company?
We adapt to the operational and commercial needs of the client to provide a differentiated service that meets each requirement.
- Custom Made Services
- Financial Schedule
- Service Platforms
We are always concerned with keeping our talent and for this reason we seek professional, personal, and family development, thereby guaranteeing that our clients get the best attention.
Our management process is known for the highest ethical standards.
- What aspect do you think CSR improves in companies?
An enriched business culture with a conscious commitment by all its collaborators, which permeates investors, suppliers, customers, and society. This process aligns with the business objectives, the welfare of stakeholders, and individuals in a vulnerable state.
- What value did you recognize in the process of obtaining the WORLDCOB-CSR certificate: 2011.3?
The WORLDCOB-CSR certificate: 2011.3 has strengthened the values and corporate principles of CTS and allowed us to organize our internal business rules such as policies and manuals by incorporating social and environmental concepts. Additionally, it has also given the company greater and more positive visibility to collaborators, suppliers, customers, possible allies, and investors.
- What are the benefits of being certified in CSR?
At CTS, Social Responsibility has enriched our day-to-day operations with social value, by promoting an integrated and sustainable continuous improvement, not only referring to the economic management of the business; it has stimulated the commitment of our collaborators, by caring for their professional, personal, and family development, with which the recruitment and retention of labor talent is maintained more easily. Aligning Social Responsibility with the business strategy of CTS has allowed us to differentiate our products and services from the competition when considering their social impacts; this increases the image and reputation of the business, achieving greater brand positioning and generating better expectations to invest.
- What is your message for companies that are interested in obtaining a certification in Social Responsibility?
Being a Socially Responsible Company is no longer just an option. It’s satisfying the demands of society and the market. A Socially Responsible company is committed to considering the expectations of society and incorporating them into its management. With this, in addition to relying on an excellent competitive strategy, its role within society is legitimized.