Grabo Estilo celebrates its certification WORLDCOB CSR: 2011.3
Grabo Estilo reinforces its commitment to continue promoting the values that make up this organization.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic The company Grabo Estilo held a business breakfast, on March 10th this year, alongside its major managers and advisors, to celebrate the reception of the certificate, certifying the compliance of its management as a socially responsible company, under the WORLDCOB CSR standard: 2011.3.
It is an International standard developed by WORLDCOB and it establishes the requirements that an organization must meet, so that it is recognized for holding a CSR policy; by adhering to a culture of ethical values, it maintains a management system based on Corporate Social Responsibility and it is in a process of continuous improvement.
With this standard Grabo Estilo reinforces its commitment to continue to promote the values that make up this organization, as well as be responsible for the development of all parties involved like customers, employees, suppliers, the community and the environment.
The activity was held in the facilities of Hotel Real InterContiental, located in the Av. Winston Churchill of this city.
World Confederation of Businesses (WORLDCOB) is an organization that aims to promote, recognize and support companies and entrepreneurs, from around the world, for their growth and their trade relations, with the strong conviction that they are the engine of economic development of countries and the source of social development of peoples. The basic framework of this standard is consistent with the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, of which WORLDCOB is a signatory.