Interview: Turismo de Lisboa “THE BIZZ is another opportunity to learn and network”
THE LISBON TOURISM ASSOCIATION – VISITORS & CONVENTION BUREAU founded in 1997 with the main objective of promoting tourism and integration activities in Lisbon, has now officially become the association that supports the celebration of THE BIZZ Europe in the capital of Portugal.
For this reason, Alexandra Baltazar (Convention Bureau Manager), granted us an interview where she describes the activities that THE LISBON TOURISM ASSOCIATION – VISITORS & CONVENTION BUREAU carries out for the tourist activity in Lisbon and that they think of the realization of THE BIZZ in that country.
1. What activities does Lisbon Tourism do and how does it impact tourism in Lisbon?
THE TOURISM ASSOCIATION OF LISBON – OFFICE OF VISITS AND CONVENTIONS was established in 1997 and its main objectives are:
- Sustainable tourism development in its area of intervention.
- The promotion of Lisbon as a tourist destination in leisure articles.
- The promotion of Lisbon as a venue for congresses, fairs and as a destination for incentive trips.
- The provision of information and support for visiting tourists.
The Lisbon Tourism Association is a private non-profit association:
- It is the Regional Tourism Promotion Agency of the Lisbon Region since 2004, maintaining international tourism promotion as its main activity.
- He is responsible for the promotion and tourist information of Lisbon.
- Collaborates in the organization of events in the city of Lisbon.
- He is vice president of the Portuguese Tourism Confederation.
- He is a member of the Strategic Business Council of the Portuguese Industrial Association.
- He is a member of the Strategic Council for Tourism Promotion.
The Lisbon Tourism Association is directed by governing bodies, elected every three years, whose composition includes official bodies, trade associations and individual associates in a total of 23 elements representing the various categories of members. The Presidency of the Board is held by the Lisbon City Council, and the Deputy Presidency is held by a private entity.
2. What can Lisbon offer tourists who visit it?
Lisbon offers tourists many attractions and activities, including museums and monuments such as Abbey of Alcobaça, Air Museum, Archaeological Nucleus in Rua do Correeiros; In addition to city tours, beaches, outdoor sports and more.
3. In which business opportunities can people who visit Lisbon participate to connect with entrepreneurs and other companies?
Through events like THE BIZZ that gives its members the opportunity to meet new international destinations, as well as through the startup community that develops in Lisbon.
4. THE BIZZ Europe 2020 will take place in Lisbon ¿ How do you think it will benefit the city to hold an event like this in that city?
Another opportunity to learn and connect.