The Corresponsables will reward initiatives in CSR
Following the success achieved in the first editions, the Corresponsables Foundation launches the VIII Corresponsables Awards in Spain and Latin America, which in this edition will have a local phase for the countries of Argentina, Ecuador, Spain, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru and another international.
The Corresponsables’ Foundation President, Marcos Gonzalez, said that for the eighth consecutive year, the Correspondent Awards are looking for the most innovative and outstanding responsible CSR and communication initiatives in Latin America.
“These awards show the commitment of Corresponsables and its Foundation with the value of responsible actions for all types of organizations”, said Gonzales.
It is important to note that the Director of Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility of WORLDCOB, Eng. Daniel Javier will be part of the technical jury of this important award.
Categories of the 8th Corresponsables Awards
In this eighth edition of the Corresponsables Awards, the awards will have the following categories:
- ‘Big companies
- ‘Pymes’
- ‘Micro Enterprises /mi pymes (<10 employees) and independents
- ‘Administrations’ and Public Entities
- ‘Non-profit and Social Economy Entities (Big)’
- ‘Non-profit and Social Economy Entities (medium and small)’
In addition to the above categories, two special categories are added:
- ‘Ramón Mullerat Corresponsables Award for personal trajectory in the dissemination of RS and sustainability’
- ‘Corresponsables Communication´, to the most innovative communication campaigns of all kinds of organizations with the following specifications: the best advertisement in the written press; the best campaign in social networks; the best corporate or audiovisual video; the best journalistic information in general media; the best opinion piece; the best process of dialogue with stakeholders; the best integrated strategy of co-responsible communication; and the best internal awareness campaign.
Check the bases of the VIII Corresponsables Awards and register your candidacy. The application deadline is on 31 May 2017.
More information: http://www.corresponsables.com/actualidad/comunicacion-responsable/abierta-inscripcion-viii-premios-corresponsables