Prestigious companies from all over the world won THE BIZZ AWARDS 2017
THE BIZZ AWARD 2017 was celebrated this year in Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, in a gala ceremony that took place in july 27th at the Frenchman’s Reef & Morning Star Marriott Beach Resort. The award was given by the World Confederation of Businesses (WORLDCOB).
The event included the participation of companies that have managed to stand out for their high standards in business leadership, management systems, quality in their goods and/or services, innovation and creativity, CSR, and other areas.
In this edition, THE BIZZ was given to this companies: Union National Bank (UAE); 4 Space Interior Design(UAE); Centre D’Oncologie al Azhar (Morocco); Neurogen Brain & Spine Institute (India); National Water and Sewerage Corporation (Uganda); Odotobri Rural Bank LTD. (Uganda); First Sky LTD. (Ghana); Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited (Bangladesh); Stadium Management South Africa (PTY) LTD (South Africa); Becerril Coca & Becerril (Mexico); University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin).
Also Cabinet J Monteil & Cie (Senegal); Restaurant Las Canastas S.R.L. (Peru); Bio Sthetic International Inn S.A. (Paraguay); Ecuambiente Consulting Group Cía LTDA (Ecuador) ; Sanaire (Mexico); Deco Locks Inc (Panama); Macros Consulting, Marketing, Advertising (Honduras); CAMServ (SL) LTD (Sierra Leone); DMI Medical Supply Company Philippines; (Philippines) ; Labclinics S.R.L. (Bolivia) ; Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad (Malaysia); National Water and Sewerage Corporation (Uganda); Xavier University Bhubaneswar (XUB) (India).
Michelangelo Ristorante (Bolivia); Serba Dinamik SDN. BHD (Malaysia); Tanah Aina SDN BHD (Malaysia); G.G.I. Intenational (NIG) LTD (Nigeria); Fesempre – Federação Dos Servidores Públicos Municipais e Estaduais (Brazil); Eclipse Microfinance Limited (Ghana); National Hotel Angue Ondo (Equatorial Guinea); Controlsa (Spain); UTIP (Angola).
Comfortsleep (Guyana); ORDA – Organization for Rehabilitation & Development in Amhara, Ethiopia ( Ethiopia); Minera Tauro S.A.C. (Peru); First Sky LTD (Ghana); Mount Kailash Resort (Nepal); Associação de Jardins-Escolas João de Deus (Portugal); Producción Panameña de Hielo S.A.(Panama); Awaritse Nigeria Limited (Nigeria); Avant Garde Security Services (PVT) LTD (Sri Lanka); Habeas Data Mexico S.A. de C.V (Mexico).
The event included the workshop called: “Leadership and Recognition” that was given by our Director of Human Development, Nancy Branger.
Also this year the WORLDCOB, has the slogan of “THE POWER OF RECOGNITION” because it want to incentive and motivation companies to continue participating actively in the business world as an example for other corporations in their respective countries, making valid contributions to labor, economic, and social matters.
It’s important to be aware that WORLDCOB has been promote the business development of 3,000 companies in over 120 countries for more than eleven years now through its different business network.